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Information about how Transifex helps you localize your CSV files.

Nina Eleftheriadou avatar
Written by Nina Eleftheriadou
Updated over a week ago

File Extension(s)


i18n type(s)


CSV is a widely used format with many use cases, including localization, such as Magento (now Adobe Commerce). It allows for comments (lines starting with a #), which are retained in the translated files when downloaded from Transifex.

Untranslated source strings are assigned an empty translation string: "". Similarly, unreviewed translations appear as "" in a downloaded reviewed translation file.

Parser Behavior

The following table outlines what occurs to strings when using the API, CLI, or UI to manipulate translation files depending on download mode.

*The results are compatible with parser version 1.

Sample Data

"Hello, world!","Hallo, Welt!"
# "this is a comment","Dies ist ein Kommentar"

"a phrase with ""double quotes""","Ein Satz mit ""doppelte Anführungszeichen"""
"a phrase with 'single quotes'","Ein Satz mit 'einfachen Anführungszeichen'"


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