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Archiving a Project

Archive projects you no longer actively use.

Nina Eleftheriadou avatar
Written by Nina Eleftheriadou
Updated over a year ago

If you have many inactive projects but don't want to remove them from Transifex altogether, you can archive them.

πŸ“ Note: Archiving a project is only available on the Growth plan and up.

When you archive a project:

  • The project is frozen. Any settings and content will remain there, but you won't be able to use or modify anything until you unarchive the project.

  • That project's contribution toward your organization's word count is reduced by 75%. A project with 40,000 words would only count as 10,000 after it's archived.

Open Source projects (please see our article to see what's considered an Open-source project) don't contribute to an organization's overall word count. This means archiving an Open Source project will freeze it.

Archiving a project

To archive a project:

  1. From the main navigation, go to your Organization settings.

  2. In the side menu, click Archive Projects.

  3. Click the Archive project button in the header.

  4. From the list of projects in the popup, click on the one you want to archive.

    You'll see how your word count will change after archiving the project.

  5. Click the Archive button to confirm.

πŸ“ Note: Translation Memory entries created from archived projects will remain available.

Restoring a project

To restore an archived project:

  1. From the main navigation, go to your Organization settings.

  2. In the side menu, click Archive Projects.

  3. Click the Restore icon next to the project you'd like to restore from the list of archived projects.

  4. Click Restore in the popup to confirm. When you restore a project, your organization's word count will increase.

Deleting an archived project

To delete an archived project, you can do the following process:

  1. You need to access your Archived Projects Management section; you can do this by going to your organization settings and then clicking on the Archive Projects option in the side menu.

    Alternatively, you can access your archived projects from your dashboard by navigating to your projects, clicking on any archived project, and then clicking on the option Manage Archive Projects.

  2. Once you're in the Archived Projects Management section, find your project in the list of archived projects and click on the trash icon on the right side of your project. This will trigger the deletion action.

  3. After the last step, a new screen will pop up where you'll need to type your account's password to confirm the deletion request and then hit the DELETE button. This is permanent, and your archived project will not be available anymore.


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