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Learn how to stay informed about your project activity.

Nina Eleftheriadou avatar
Written by Nina Eleftheriadou
Updated over a week ago

Transifex sends in-app and email notifications for important events within the platform by default. Inside your users' settings, you can control which events you get notified about via email.

Email notifications

The important events that Transifex informs you about include:

  • Messages (new project announcements, team discussions, direct messages).

  • Project & Language Activity (project language requests, resource updates, and more).

  • Team & Collaborators Activity (requests to join a project, team changes in user role).

  • Orders (updates about your translation orders).

  • Task Activity (Task creation, task completion, assignment of subtasks, and when a due date is close).

You can change your email notification settings in your User settings. You can learn how to adjust your email notifications here.

A few notes on the most popular notifications:

  • "When a file has been 100% translated in one of its target languages" — a grouped notification email is sent 6 hours after at least one language of a resource is fully translated. This notification is sent to Admins and Project Maintainers.

  • "When someone requests a language to be added to a project" is a grouped notification email sent 1 hour after the first request is submitted. This notification is sent to Admins and Project Maintainers.

  • "When a team join request is received" is a grouped notification email sent 1 hour after the first join request is submitted. This notification is sent to Team Managers and Language Coordinators.

  • Translators need to watch the project if they want to receive notifications about the source file update.

📝Note: The notifications received depend on the user's role. For example, Project Maintainers will receive project-related notifications such as "when a file has been 100% translated into one of its target languages".

In-app notifications

In-app notifications are sent to the user immediately after an event on the platform.

In-app notifications can be found here:

There, you can see a list of all the notifications you're subscribed to.

⚠️Warning: You can only change your email notifications. For now, in-app notification settings cannot be changed.

Watch functionality

Project collaborators (translators, reviewers, language coordinators) can get notified about changes in the source strings in the project(s) they work on by enabling the Watch functionality.

Those who enabled this feature are notified whenever one of the following events happens:

  • A new source file is added;

  • An existing source file is updated;

  • A source file is deleted.

Collaborators who didn't enable the Watch feature will still be notified when a new resource is created in Transifex.

Collaborators instantly receive an in-app notification, and a grouped notification email is sent 2 hours after the first event occurs.

💡Tip: We recommend having collaborators enable the "Watch" feature in the project(s) that they're working on to stay informed about the changes in the project(s) they're assigned to.

The "Watch" feature can be found in the upper right corner of the project's Overview page.

Collaborators can check what projects they watch by clicking on their Organization > My profile > Notification settings > Watches.

Notifications about user suggestions

Transifex immediately notifies the translators/reviewers of a translation via email and in-app notifications when a user suggestion is added by another user in the editor.

Translators/reviewers can easily find this suggestion in the editor by following the link included in the notification they receive.


Transifex lets you specify a webhook and get notified whenever:

  • Translations are completed;

  • Translations are reviewed;

  • Translation fill-ups are done.

This way, you can pull translations as soon as they are ready without constantly checking Transifex for updates.

You can learn more about how to set up webhooks here.

📝Note: The webhooks do not trigger in-app or email notifications from Transifex.

Replying to notification emails

When you get notifications from Transifex, please be careful about replying to the same notification email.

For example, when a user sends you a message, you need to click the Reply button within the notification message.

To continue the conversation, you can press Reply within the email or reply by navigating to your inbox.

In the same way, when you receive a notification that someone @mentioned you in a comment, you would need to click on the string link provided in the email and reply to the comment from the Editor within the Comments tab.

Slack integration

With the Transifex-Slack Integration, you can now easily use slash commands to get information on project languages, resources, status, and issues.

Read more about our Slack integration in the following articles:


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