December 2021
Added resource name to context string info when mapping strings to screenshots.
Extended notifications so that when a comment is updated people mentioned there will get notified accordingly.
Added new languages: Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) (arb), English (Mexico) (en_MX), English (Peru) (en_PE), English (Ecuador) (en_EC).
Released transifex-python 2.0.0.
Released Javascript SDK (v2.0.0).
CLI Client in Go (stable release).
Fixed issue in Figma integration with mixed fonts loading.
Fixed API 3.0 download issue when '@' is present in the language code.
Fixed RTL issue in DOCX files with pPr tag.
Fixed empty key issue in Structured_JSON and KEYVALUEJSON parsers.
Fixed issue with non-Unicode spaces in MARKDOWN parser.
Fixed '\r' compilation error when such a character is present in a TMX file.
Fixed password issue with special characters.
Fixed maintainers' access on the project's integrations tab.
Fixed word boundaries issue when matching glossary terms.
download mode for Applies strings including only proofread translations.Fixed glossary edit term error message.
Fixed reports CSV filename.
Fixed UI issue when translating a long string in tx live.
Fixed signup issue when using Facebook.
Fixed issue with
"Allow Translation Memory suggestions from similar locales in the editor"
setting when the project's settings page is updated.Fixed issue with translation_text_not_contains filter when searching for text in pluralized strings.
Fixed Glossary detection issue.
Fixed permissions issue while viewing TM leverage stats.
Fixed encoding issue in Jave Properties files.
November 2021
Added RTL support in DOCX and PPTX translation files.
Added new languages: English (Papua New Guinea) (en_PG), French (Luxembourg) (fr_LU), English (Fiji) (en_FJ).
Introduced a new setting in TX Live allowing you to async load JavaScript snippet.
Released a fresh, new create project page.
Extended LexiQA integration for working with Fileless resources.
Updated Figma integration excluding hidden strings from the strings list.
Released a fresh, new Manage collaborators page with more filters for better management.
Extended TMX files including information about creationdate and lastusagedate per TM entry as well as all the different translation versions stored per target language.
Added support for custom keys in Javascript SDK.
Fixed permissions issue in API v3 with editor comments.
Fixed space issue in DOCX translation files.
Fixed compilation issue with DOCX translation files.
Fixed compilation issue with PPTX translation files when
tag is present.Fixed issue with anchors in YAML files.
Fixed issue with metadata updates in structured_JSON files during compilation.
Fixed issue with unescaped content in context and developer_comment fields in structured_JSON files.
Fixed issue with DeepL where the same translation was returned for both pt_PT and pt_BR languages.
Fixed number of mapped strings shown in the UI under Context page (screenshots).
Fixed DeepL issue when protected text is included in source.
Fixed issue with user suggestions notification that was sent to users with access revoked
October 2021
Extended DeepL integration offering the option to define the formality of translated text provided by DeepL service.
Added confirmation dialog in the editor after mass deletion request.
Zapier - Public release & extended to work with Google Slides.
[WordPress integration] Fixed Hreflang URL issue with an extra forward slash on URLs.
Fixed origin info for TM entries coming from TMX files.
Fixed ampersand escaping issue in Android when custom placeholder is configured.
Fixed issue with XLSX translation file export
September 2021
Add/Edit character limits and strings' instructions in bulk.
Redesigned Manage Integrations page under organization settings.
Added support for Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx) documents.
[GitHub integration] Improved system behavior when both source and translation files exist in the same folder in a repo.
Released CDS 1.2.0 adding support for Google Cloud through Google Cloud Storage integration.
Made the User setting "Show my e-mail address in translation files" disabled by default.
Implemented a mechanism so that when the setting "Translation Memory Context Matching" is deactivated, TM auto-fill up tasks will be triggered with the new requirements.
Extended editor filters by adding filters reviewed before/after
[Figma Integration] Fixed issue in the projects list dropdown in the plugin's settings which was showing only the first 150 tx projects.
Fixed social auth login for SSO enabled organizations.
Fixed glossary tooltip on editor.
Fixed 502 errors when using tx client with large resources.
Fixed scroll issue in the translation area
August 2021
Made resources' categories searchable.
Introduced a change in the editor so that strings from locked resources won't show up when all resources option is selected.
Extended our Editor filters by allowing users to filter strings with user suggestions available (user_suggestions:yes/no).
Changed TX Live parser's behavior so that SVG tags will be detected by default.
Sorted 'More' filters in the editor alphabetically.
Introduced a new project setting that allows localization managers to exclude languages from Machine Translation Fillup.
Improved status message the user receives on failed upload attempts.
Added new languages: Sidama (sid), Chechen (ce), Tlahuitoltepec Mixe (mxp), Karachay-Balkar (krc), Acehnese (ace), Tarifit (rif), Muscogee (mus), Bislama (bi), Aranese (oc-aranes).
Updated language names from:
Pushto to Pashto
Oriya to Odia
Enabled Origin filter for source language.
Fixed issue with empty PRs in GitHub when manual sync is performed.
Fixed TM deletion issue via UI.
Fixed UI issue for issues category with long text.
Fixed webhooks issue when TM auto-fill up runs.
Fixed issue with TMX file upload.
Fixed double escaping in HTML attribute values.
Fixed language drop-down issue while a TMX file is requested.
Fixed glossary issue with POS values when the language of Transifex app is non-English.
Fixed issue with Docx hyperlinks format.
Fixed anchor issue in YML files.
Fixed source upload issue when Dzongkha(dz) is project's source language.
Fixed issue with user_suggestions filter.
Fixed UI issue in the invitation pop-up.
Fixed copy variable issue when keyboard shortcut 'Ctrl+Alt+Number' is used.
Fixed exact search in the editor for terms containing curly bracket '}'.
Fixed permissions issue while project resource list is requested via API 3.0
July 2021
Extended Translation Memory sharing TM suggestions across different locales with the same base language.
Extended our API endpoints offering the option to update resource categories via API v3.
Released Single Sign-On (SSO) Login.
Added support for custom keys in Python/Django SDK.
Extended Projects API v3 endpoints giving the option to configure MT auto-fill up setting.
Released DELETE method for source_string endpoint for FILESS resources.
Added a
API 3.0 endpoint that fetches any available language in a list from the given codes.Enabled RTL mode for Yiddish (yi).
Made the following filters available in the source edit mode (web editor): Context, Issues, Pluralized, Screenshot, Occurrences, Developer notes, Comments, Instructions.
Made comments tab available in the source edit mode (web editor).
Fixed issue with Arabic pluralized strings where '0' form was missing from the generated translation file.
Fixed screenshots issue in Figma integration when organization slug contains 'o' character.
Fixed issue with JSON in API v3 where strings' order was not preserved in the editor.
Fixed permissions issue for translation files.
Fixed ampersand issue in DOCX parser.
Fixed Drupal integration issue when character '#' is part of a job ID.
Drupal integration - New release: 8.x-1.5.
Fixed issue with Transifex app when Russian language is selected.
Fixed issue with TMX file upload.
Fixed issue with bulk actions in the editor
June 2021
Released Transifex-DeepL integration.
Improved TM performance so that TM suggestions will be displayed in the editor faster.
Extended TM auto-fill up tasks so that they also get triggered when:
an MT translation is reviewed or
a translation is reviewed while "Allow only Reviewed translations into the Translation Memory" is enabled
Made edit source option available while viewing all resources in the editor (only if the resources of a project are all supported for source editing).
Improved TX Live publish UI.
Updated buckets for Translation Leverage column on the activity reports page.
Extended Resources Progress Report including resource slug.
Extended our notification types allowing translators/reviewers of a translation to get notified when a user suggestion is added.
Improved tx client behavior when source language is included in the tx pull command
Drupal integration: Fixed translation job issue with
Fields instance
content type.Fixed issue in the editor while searching for text with single quote characters.
Fixed UI issue with HTML elements in the editor.
Fixed issue while publishing translations via TX Live.
Fixed XLIFF compilation issue caused by special characters included in the text.
Fixed TX Live issue while ignoring a URL path (the expected behavior is described here).
Fixed issue with social login.
Fixed issue with Webhooks in BitBucket integration
May 2021
Added the option to delete warning messages from translations.
GitHub Integration: Improved validation of YAML configuration file when a forward slash (
) is added at the beginning of a path.Updated language name from "Standard Moroccan Berber" to "Standard Moroccan Tamazight".
Enabled parsing of anchor link text for Markdown files.
Added Transifex Native Analytics page for native projects.
Extended history in the editor including source edits.
API3: Ability to export translations in json format.
Extended functionality in the editor for fileless resources allowing source strings deletion.
Extended API v3 download translation modes including
modes.Extended "TX NATIVE SDK SNIPPETS" UI list including Android and Angular SDKs.
Improved UI for users while editing their project's target languages.
Fixed error "Cannot read property ‘sort’ of undefined" while pushing strings from Figma to Transifex.
Fixed 500 error while trying to review translations via API v3.
Fixed issue in the search strings page while searching for text with single quote characters.
Fixed UI issue with '&' in the editor.
Fixed TM suggestions issue in the editor while concordance search window is open.
KEYVALUEJSON: Fixed wrong validation error in the editor on escaped quotes.
Fixed permissions issue with warnings deletion.
April 2021
Extend Transifex to Zendesk language mapping list (nl to nl_NL, en-150 to en).
Extend Zendesk Integration to support duplicate strings.
Extend HTML parser to support duplicate strings.
Zendesk Integration - Show last sync status in failed zendesk sync tasks.
Drupal Integration - Changed punctuation spitting function when characters are present
Drupal Integration - Map language between Transifex and Drupal.
Added new language: Kurdish (kmr)
Fixed issue in Drupal where the status of translation jobs was not updated properly.
Fixed broken Glossary documentation URLs.
Fixed translation checks issue with HTML attributes that have more than one words.
Fixed sourceastranslation mode in API v3.
Fixed issue receiving translations in Drupal while localizing Block View content type.
Fixed issue with LS character in GITHUBMARKDOWN file format
March 2021
API v3:
New Endpoints
Resources Endpoints
Delete resource [DEL]
Create a source file download action [POST]
Get resource strings download status [GET]
Projects Endpoints
Update a Project [PATCH]
Get project maintainers [GET]
Delete language relationship [DEL]
List language relationships [GET]
Update language relationships [PATCH]
Create language relationship [POST]
Remove maintainers from project [DEL]
Get project maintainer relationships [GET]
Update project maintainers [PATCH]
Add maintainers to project [POST]
Get team relationship [GET]
Update team relationship [PATCH]
Introduced an extra attribute
to Create new resource endpoint that allows you to define if duplicate strings will be allowed in an HTML resource.
Made API-v3 page size configurable introducing the limit parameter.
Added support for custom keys in Figma.
Added a new configuration option in Zendesk Integration that determines whether or not translations found on Zendesk will be sent to Transifex.
Added context information while extracting content from Drupal and sending it to Transifex.
Added support for context in HTML files via 'tx-context' attribute.
Improved the experience when an organization exceeds its word count limit.
Announced the stable release of Transifex API v3.
Introduced a new setting that allows you to automatically save only reviewed translations in your Translation Memory.
Released new DOCX parser.
Introduced a new option in the editor that allows you to easily find identical strings.
Enabled edit source option on Fileless resources.
Improved performance for TM auto-fill up tasks.
Improved UI messages when organization is over collaborators' limit.
Improved workflow while viewing editor overview allowing users to easily switch to the editor mode.
Released a new version update on CDS (0.9.0) with the following two key highlights:
Pull content using tags filtering
Append tags when pushing content instead of replacing them by default
Set resource string priorities in the APIv3 to match those of the UI.
Fixed issue while updating resource priority via APIv3.
Fixed review issue for pluralized strings.
Fixed auto collect issue in TX Live.
Fixed issue in STRUCTURED_JSON file format where escaped characters were not handled properly.
Fixed issue with email notifications.
Fixed issue in STRUCTURED_JSON file format where character limits were not updated during source file updates.
Fixed issue with TX Live while HTML nodes were translated.
Fixed issue with Fileless resources that contain non-ASCII characters.
Fixed search issues on the resources page.
Fixed issue with "On demand translation checks" when more than 100 translation strings were hosted in a project.
February 2021
API 3.0:
New API endpoints for activity reports:
Create a team activity report file download action
Get team activity report download status
Updated GET /resource_strings endpoint so that context will be returned as String instead of Array of strings
Removed announcement bubble from web editor.
Modified announcement notifications so that only collaborators that are associated with projects' languages will get notified.
Changed system behaviour so that E2f collaborators that are associated with an active order won't be counted in the collaborators capacity.
Added new language: Moroccan Arabic (ary), Tachelhit (shi), Old English (and).
New Zendesk integration: Optimized syncing while exchanging hundreds of files between Zendesk and Transifex.
GitHub integration: Fixed issue while syncing translation files from sub-folders.
Fixed issue with custom placeholders.
Fixed editor issue in crowdsourcing projects.
Fixed parsing issue when unicode character exists in RESX keys.
Fixed issue with TMX empty entries.
Fixed UI issue when requesting a language.
Fixed pre-selected language issue for projects with only one resource.
Fixed performance issues while exchanging large files between Transifex and Figma.
API 3.0: Fixed team_memeberships url regex for `@` character.
API 3.0: Fixed TM auto fill-up issue for fileless resources.
January 2021
Added missing styles in the editor dark mode for both suggestions and history tabs.
Disabled Live detector when loading a page in a target language.
Improved UX upon language request.
Improved UX when suggestions tab takes longer to display TM suggestions in the editor.
Exposed the origin of the translated string in the history tab.
Added "not on any page" text in strings list in live while "See Overview" is enabled.
Improved user experience while pulling duplicate translation entries from Zendesk.
Extended Drupal integration so that updated translations in Transifex will be sent to Drupal without requiring a new job.
APIv3: Finalized async uploads responses.
Set throttling mechanism for APIv3.
Finalized datetime format for the following API endpoints:
Extended support for all known locale mappings so that Zendesk locales match with Transifex locales and vice versa
Improved the automated mechanism (algorithm) that matches Zendesk locales with Transifex locales and vice versa so that every variant can be mapped to its base locale
Zendesk integration: Exposed "Edited at" info in Transifex UI
Fixed issue when sorting strings on search strings page.
Fixed 500 error message in logo upload.
Fixed word breaking issue in user messages.
Fixed TM suggestions issue while navigating through strings list in the editor.
Fixed UI issue while viewing all resources in the editor.
Fixed glossary issue while uploading it to AWS (Amazon).
Fixed folding issues during YAML compilation.
Fixed issue while syncing translated content back to Drupal.
Fixed 403 error while syncing articles between Zendesk and Transifex.
Fixed Zendesk integration issue when resources found in tx project do not follow the correct naming convention.
Fixed resource creation issue after breaking changes introduced in API 3.0