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Account & Billing
Manage your subscription and account settings.
Changing your emailChange the email address associated with your Transifex account.
Changing your AvatarChange the avatar you use with your Transifex account.
Changing or resetting your passwordChange or reset the password you use with your Transifex account.
Changing your usernameChanging your Transifex username.
Managing Your Public ProfileYour public profile is the information about you that other TX users can see.
Leaving a ProjectYou completed a project and want to leave from that team? Follow these instructions to leave a project.
Deleting your accountLearn how you can delete your Transifex account if you no longer need it.
Adjusting NotificationsChange the email notifications you receive from Transifex.
Social LoginLink a social account to your existing Transifex account, or sign up for Transifex using one such as your GitHub or Google account.
Single Sign-On (SSO) LoginAlready have Single Sign-On credentials from your company? Use these to log in, provided you have already signed up with the same email.
Generating an API TokenGenerate a token to use for REST API requests.
Managing SubscriptionLearn how to view and manage your subscription.
Adjusting Your AI or MT Character CapacityNeed AI or MT Characters for Transifex AI or MT? Here's How to Acquire Them!
Viewing Billing HistoryLearn how to view and download your billing history.
SubscribingLearn how to subscribe for a plan in Transifex.
Billing informationAbility to add a billing information directly in the app.