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Get information about repetitions in a resource/project.

Nina Eleftheriadou avatar
Written by Nina Eleftheriadou
Updated over a year ago

📝Note: Repetitions report is available on the Growth plan and up.

When calculating your localization budget, the most significant factors you consider are the number of source words and the cost per word provided by the vendor you use. String and word repetitions need to be also considered, allowing vendors to better estimate the time it will take for jobs to be completed, thus providing a competitive quote at a lower price than the one they would quote if all strings were considered unique.

Transifex offers statistics for repetitions by generating detailed reports on a resource, language, and project level when this information is requested. By repetitions, we mean the number of the same strings in a resource, considering one of them as the original string. Below, the different types of repetitions Transifex provides statistics for are described:

  • Untranslated repetitions.
    This information refers to the number of untranslated repetitions in a specific target language. This means that the same resource may have a different number of untranslated repetitions for each target language.

  • Repetitions in the source language.
    This information refers to the number of repetitions found in the project's source language and is unrelated to the translation status of a string.

This information is available on the language pop-up (project>resource>target language) as shown below:


📝Note: Repetitions are updated when one of the following events happens:

  1. When a resource is created or updated.

  2. When a string is translated.

  3. When a new target language is added to a project.

Repetitions in resources progress report

You can use the report generated via the resources page to get repetitions for a specific project on a resource level for every language.


Once you request the report, a zip file will be generated where 2 CSV files will be included:

  1. A CSV file with string and word repetitions per resource/language as shown below:


    From the above example, we have:

    • For the source language 'en':

      • For the resource default.xml:

        • total repeated string count: 5

        • total repeated wordcount: 10

      • For the resource strings.xml:

        • total repeated string count: 5

        • total repeated wordcount: 10

    • For the target language 'fr':

      • For the resource default.xml:

        • total repeated string count: 5

        • total repeated wordcount: 10

      • For the resource strings.xml:

        • total repeated string count: 4

        • total repeated wordcount: 8


  2. A CSV file as it is described here

Repetitions in resource progress report

You can use the report generated via the resource detailed page to get repetitions for a specific resource only, broken down by each language.


Once you request the report, a CSV file will be generated where repetition information for the specific resource will be included for both source and target languages:

  • Untranslated repeated string count (string count untranslated repetitions found in every target language)

  • Untranslated repeated word count (wordcount untranslated repetitions found in every target language)

  • Total repeated string count (string count repetitions found in the source language)

  • Total repeated word count (word count repetitions found in the source language)

Repetitions in languages progress report

You can use the report generated via the languages page to get repetitions for a specific project broken down by each language.


Once you request the report, a CSV file containing the information described here will be generated. The columns that refer to repetitions are:

  • Untranslated repeated string count (we compare all resources in the project and calculate the number of untranslated repetitions found in every target language).

  • Untranslated repeated word count (we compare all resources in the project and calculate the number of untranslated word count repetitions found in every target language).

  • Total repeated string count (we compare all resources in the project and calculate the number of repetitions found in the source language).

  • Total repeated word count (we compare all resources in the project and calculate the number of word count repetitions found in the source language).

Repetitions in languages progress report for all projects

If you have multiple projects in your organization and want to export statistics quickly, you can request the report generated via the Dashboard page as described here.


The columns that refer to repetitions are:

  • Untranslated repeated string count (we compare all resources in a project and return the untranslated repetitions found in every target language for each one of the available projects in your organization).

  • Untranslated repeated word count (we compare all resources in a project and return the untranslated word count repetitions found in every target language for each available project in your organization).

  • Total repeated string count (we compare all resources in a project and return the string count repetitions found in the source language for each one of the available projects in your organization).

  • Total repeated word count (we compare all resources in a project and return the word count repetitions found in the source language for each one of the available projects in your organization).

Repetitions examples

Resource A:


Resource B:


Scenario #1: No strings have been translated yet


Scenario #2: Translate key1 from Resource A and key7 from Resource B in French


📝Note: Original strings were untranslated in scenario #1, while in scenario #2, they were translated. So, the number of untranslated repetitions hasn't been affected.

Scenario #3: Translate key1, key3, and one of the pluralized strings from Resource A and key6 and key8 from Resource B in French


Repeated strings filter

To find all the strings and their repetitions in Transifex Web Editor, apply the filter "Repeated Strings" as follows:


A list with all the strings and their identical instances will be returned:


If you want to find the untranslated repetitions, you can combine the above filter with the' translated:no' filter.

📝Note: The filter returns all the repeated strings along with their original instances.


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