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Translation Cost Calculation via Activity Report
Translation Cost Calculation via Activity Report

Use Reports to see how many words were translated, reviewed, and edited, along with the Translation Memory leverage used.

Nina Eleftheriadou avatar
Written by Nina Eleftheriadou
Updated over 2 months ago

Reports in Transifex show you how many words were translated, edited, and reviewed by your translators, along with the Translation Memory leverage, AI, TM, and MT fill-ups used. It's helpful to see who your most active translators are or figure out how much you should pay your Translators and Reviewers.


  • Translation Activity Reports are available on our Growth plan and up.

  • Reports update each day at 04:30 UTC.

Accessing Reports

Any user that belongs to an organization where the reports feature is available can access the reports page.

  • Collaborators (language coordinators, translators, and reviewers) can only view their translation activity.

  • Team Managers can only view the translation activity of the teams they manage.

  • Project Maintainers are authorized to view the translation activity for the teams and projects they are maintainers for.

  • Organization Administrators are authorized to view all collaborators' activities.

You can learn more about various user roles in Transifex here.

Using Reports

Here's a look at how Reports work:

  1. Click the Reports tab in the main navigation.

  2. Here, you see the number of words filled up by AI and TM and the number of words translated by MT.

  3. Below you can see the translation activity by your team members. You can filter the data by project, language, or date. For instance, finding out who worked on translations for your Transifex App project in July is easy.

  4. To sort data in a column, click on the header bar above that column. Click once to sort by ascending order. Click it again to sort by descending order.

  5. To download a copy of your report as a CSV file, click the Download CSV button in the header.

Seeing a month-over-month breakdown of translation activity

Sometimes, you may want to know how much work your translators and reviewers have done month over month. To get such a report, hit the down arrow next to Download CSV on the Reports page and click Download CSV (Monthly).

The report will include columns that break down each translatorโ€™s activity by year and month. Note that the report will only include data from your selected date range. So if you choose January 1 to January 15 on the Reports page, the work a translator did on January 16 will not be included in the CSV.

Translated, edited, and reviewed words

The main metrics in Reports are translated, edited, and reviewed words. Here's what each one means:

  • Translated Words โ€“ Translated words are the number of newly translated words. Only the first translation for a string is counted. This means each source string only appears in the new word count once.

  • Edited Words โ€“ Edited words are changes made to an existing translation. It's important to note that Edit words are not reviewed words.

  • Reviewed Words โ€“ Reviewed words are translations marked as reviewed or proofread.

The count is based on the number of words in the source string for all these metrics. For example, if you have the source string "Hello world" and it was translated to "Hello," the new word count would be 2, not 1.

TM Leverage and Fill-ups

You can see the number of words filled up by AI, TM and MT under the filter bar.

Translation Memory Leverage

Next to the new word count in the report, the TM Leverage for the new words (translation leverage) translated and the edited (edited leverage) words will be displayed as a bar chart. With it, you can see how much a translator relied on TM for the new words they translated or the updates they did on existing translations.

๐Ÿ“Note: The TM leverage information in Reports shows the leverage of translated strings. The Export TM leverage view shows the TM leverage before translation or post-editing.

Activity Report use cases and scenarios

To better understand the information in Transifex Activity Reports, please take a look at the scenarios described below.

Scenario 1

User A translates the following untranslated string:

  • Source string: "Please provide a username".

  • Number of source words: 4

In the translation activity report, for the specific translator, the following information will be available:

  • Translated Words: 4

  • Edited Words: 0

  • Reviewed Words: 0

Scenario 2

User A translates an untranslated string. After the initial translation is saved, User B edits the translation submitted by User A.

  • Source string: "Please provide a username"

  • Number of source words: 4

In the activity report, the following user activity will be available:

User A

  • Translated Words: 4

  • Edited Words: 0

  • Reviewed Words: 0

User B

  • Translated Words: 0

  • Edited Words: 4

  • Reviewed Words: 0

Scenario 3

TM automatically translates an untranslated string (100-101% TM match found - TM auto-fill up is enabled). The TM suggestion was introduced by user C in the past.

  • Source string: "Please provide a username"

  • Number of source words: 4

In this case, no activity will be available for user C in the translation activity report since the specific translator did not work on that string - the system automatically translated the string based on previous work done in another string in the past.

Scenario 4

TM automatically translates an untranslated string. After that, user A edits the existing translation and submits an updated translation version for that string.

  • Source string: "Please provide a username"

  • Number of source words: 4

In the activity report for user A, the following information will be available:

User A

  • Translated Words: 0

  • Edited Words: 4

  • Reviewed Words: 0

This scenario is true regardless of the match %.

๐Ÿ“ Note: If a translator manually selects a suggestion to translate an untranslated string within the editor and presses the save button, it is considered manual work done by the specific user. As a result, the number of source words translated in the report will be counted as translated words for that user.

Scenario 5

An untranslated string is translated by user A via API/TX client or a file upload.

  • Source string: "Please provide a username"

  • Number of source words: 4

In the activity report for user A, the following information will be available:

User A

  • Translated Words: 4

  • Edited Words: 0

  • Reviewed Words: 0

Scenario 6

User A (maintainer) edits the source text of the following source string within the editor. The option "Save and Keep translations" is selected.

  • Source string: "Please provide a username"

  • Number of source words: 4

  • The string is translated already in 2 languages (fr, de)

In the activity report, for User A, for fr, and de, the following information will be available:

User A

  • Translated Words: 8 (4 words per target language)

  • Edited Words: 0

  • Reviewed Words: 0

๐Ÿ“ Note: When an already translated source string is modified within the editor, the string returns to its untranslated state since the words in the source language are no longer the same.

So, when User A changes the source text of the string from "Please provide a username" to "Provide a username please", the option "Save and keep the translations" allows User A to easily re-apply the previous translation for languages the old version of the string was translated to already. So, what happens is that User A re-translates the new version of the string the same way as before.

Scenario 7

User A gives the first translation for Source string - version #1. After that, the source text is modified, and the string returns to its untranslated state. User B submits a translation for the new version of the string.

  • Source string - version #1: "Please provide a username"

  • Number of source words: 4

  • Source string - version #2: "Please provide a username to login"

  • Number of new source words: 6

In the activity report for users A and B, the following information will be available:

User A

  • Translated Words: 4

  • Edited Words: 0

  • Reviewed Words: 0

User B

  • Translated Words: 6

  • Edited Words: 0

  • Reviewed Words: 0

Scenario 8

An untranslated string is automatically translated by MT (MT auto-fill is enabled).

  • Source string: "Please provide a username"

  • Number of source words: 4

In the translation activity report, the number of words translated by MT automatically will be available at the top of the reports page:

๐Ÿ“ Note: If a translator uses the MT option to translate an untranslated string within the editor and presses the save button after MT returns the translation, this is considered manual work done by the specific user. As a result, the number of source words translated in the report will be counted as translated words for that particular user.

Scenario 9 (case1)

User A translates an untranslated string and reviews this string. After the initial translation & review of the string, User A edits the translation.

  • Source string: "Please provide a username"

  • Number of source words: 4

In the activity report, the following user activity will be available:

User A

  • Translated Words: 4

  • Edited Words: 4

  • Reviewed Words: 4

Scenario 9 (case2)

User A translates an untranslated string and also reviews it. After the initial translation & review of the string, User A un-reviews the string, edits the translation, and reviews it again.

  • Source string: "Please provide a username"

  • Number of source words: 4

In the activity report, the following user activity will be available:

User A

  • Translated Words: 4

  • Edited Words: 4

  • Reviewed Words: 8

Scenario 10

  • Source string: "Please provide a username"

  • Number of source words: 4

  • Available TM suggestion: 67%

Machine translation runs and translates an untranslated string. The translation is only saved as a TM suggestion if someone reviews it. User A edits the machine-translated string and submits a new translation version.

In the activity report, the following user activity will be available:

User A

  • Translated Words: 0

  • Translation Leverage: -

  • Edited Words: 4

  • Edit Leverage: 50-74% leverage, 4 words

  • Reviewed Words: 0

After User A submits the translation, the available TM suggestions for the above string are:

  • 100% TM suggestion based on the translation submitted by User A

  • 67% TM suggestion based on similar strings translated in the past

Now, User B edits the translation done by User A and submits a new translation version for the same string.

In the activity report, the following user activity will be available:

User B

  • Translated Words: 0

  • Translation Leverage: -

  • Edited Words: 4

  • Edit Leverage: 50-74% leverage, 4 words (the 100% TM suggestion created by User A is already used as a translation, so it's not taken into consideration)

  • Reviewed Words: 0

How are reports affected when a project is updated?

  1. If a target language is being removed from a project, the related translation activity will still be available in the reports

  2. If a resource is being removed/updated, the related translation activity will remain in the report results.

  3. If a project is deleted, the translators' activity that is related to that project won't be available in the reports anymore.


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