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2018 Releases
Nina Eleftheriadou avatar
Written by Nina Eleftheriadou
Updated over 2 years ago

December 2018


  • Added the ability to retry on failed file uploads.

  • Offered support for pluralized entries in Properties based on ICU's message format specifications.

  • New languages were added to our list: Kikuyu (ki), Ewe (ee).

  • Implemented the improved password strength controls.


  • Fixed PROPERTIESXML parser behavior - the order of the strings in the editor is now the same as in the file itself.

  • Fixed custom placeholder issue on Safari.

  • Fixed a file format issue that occurred when the translatable string of an entry was also a substring of the key.

November 2018


  • New languages were added to our list: Turkish (Germany) (tr_DE), Spanish (Saudi Arabia) (es_SA), Chamorro (ch).

  • You can now order translations from Chinese (zh), Chinese (China) (zh_CN) or to English (en) or English (United States) (en_US) using E2f. More information can be found in our order wizard.

  • Extended TxLive social support (Twitter, Google+ meta tags).

  • Improved message in the subscription page when the collaborator count exceeds plan's capacity.


  • Fixed issues with PO headers & metadata.

  • Fixed machine translation issue while raw mode was enabled.

  • Fixed issue with empty translation files.

  • Fixed Webhook issue ensuring that it always gets triggered when the translation progress reaches 100% completion.

  • Make resx parser respect XML declaration.

  • Fixed whitespace issue in glossary. The fix removes unnecessary validation messages that were triggered by the presence of whitespaces in glossary terms.

  • Fixed UnicodeEncodeError in YML.

  • Fixed escaping issue with @ in Android XML. A string that starts with @ and is not used as a reference to another string is now properly escaped by our Android parser upon export.

  • Fixed improper escaping on Android xml strings - double or single quotes in html inline tags are no longer escaped by Transifex Android parser.

October 2018


  • New languages were added to our list: Quechua (Ecuador) (qu_EC), Aymara(ay), Bench (bcq), Tweants (twd).

  • A new version for Chrome i18n parser has been released.

  • Replaced "Warnings" filter with "Translation checks>Warning".

  • Releases page link is now available in the footer of the app and the help center page.

  • Added Editor link to resources and languages page in live projects.

  • YAML’s built-in types or custom ones are properly handled by YAML parsers.


  • Fixed doc link for chrome file format when a resource failed to be created.

  • Fixed filtering issue. In glossary page, filter was not encoded in URL, so you could not search for '&' character.

  • Fixed Editor Placeholder issues.

  • Fixed last translation activity date in the language pop-up window.

  • Fixed conflicting dependencies in TX Client.

  • Fixed language pair issue with TextMaster.

  • Fixed escaping issues in file formats when XLIFF intermediate format is used for offline translations.

  • Fixed issue with non-editable translation strings in Transifex Live.

  • Fixed an issue with the XLIFF parser - entries that had only a generic placeholder <x> as source text were ignored during upload.

  • Fixed search and replace for non-space languages and partial matching.

  • Fixed translation check issue for unicode escaped sequences.

September 2018


  • Links to strings are now available on concordance search results.

  • The number of results that concordance search returns has been increased from 10 to 50.

  • Auto-suggestions for tags are available while typing.

  • Show source string counter and improve the experience when a character limit is set.

  • Allow visiting a user's private profile page when the user has requested to join a team of a common organization.

  • Show relative "last update" date under "All projects" and all resources tables in an organization.

  • Offer progress reports that allow you to check the progress on a resource level per individual language and on a language level per individual resource.

  • Keep the selected resource between the resource page where it was first selected and the editor page right after the language gets selected.

  • Add English (Trinidad & Tobago) to our list


  • Fixed the blank panel issue that came up after clicking on placeholders in the translation's string area.

  • Fixed machine translation issue that generated invalid translations. MT run on the escaped version of the string, thus the translations were invalid. From now on, we detect the resource format and always pass the rich version.

  • Fixed invitation flow that was failing when email was containing capital letters.

  • Fixed issue with pirate@en in Transifex Live editor.

  • Fixed suggestions leverage score miscalculations with the rich/raw editor.

  • Fixed MT auto fill-up issue for resources that have more than 128 strings.

  • Fixed orders' issue. Source strings that contain only non-printable characters will no longer be included in submitted orders.

  • Fixed hovering state of the tooltip in the editor.

  • Fixed dates in suggestions tab in the editor.

  • Delivered improvements that make editor page load faster.

  • Fixed the statistics under the all projects view. Stats from archived projects are no longer included there.

  • Fixed <g> tags issue in XLIFF.

  • Fixed encoding issues for HTML files.

August 2018


  • Concordance search is now closer to the translation tools offering a better user experience.

  • Users are allowed to search in languages dropdowns using either language's name or language's locale.

  • When a new announcement is added, a discussion is created or a private message is sent, the original structure of the text (line breaks, paragraphs) is preserved in the notification email that TX users receive


  • Fixed issues caused by large Gengo orders.

  • Fixed account activation issue allowing users to sign-in after accepting invitations.

  • Fixed sorting issue on project's languages page.

  • Fixed Web Editor issues with IE11.

  • Fixed Chrome parser's behavior ensuring that the order of the strings is preserved during parsing and compiling.

July 2018


  • You can now order translations from Japanese (ja) or Japanese (Japan) (ja_JP) to other languages using E2f. More information can be found in our order wizard.

  • Users have the option to specify if their profile page will be publicly visible or not. More information can be found here.

  • Performance has been optimized while uploading big files to Transifex.

  • Multiple custom placeholder delimiters can be set up in order to ensure that all your custom variables are preserved in the translations. More information can be found here.

  • In the manage collaborators page, case insensitive filtering has been implemented allowing you to easily find the collaborators you are looking for.

  • Suggestions are now clickable. The available link redirects you to the source entry where the suggested translation version was initially applied to.

  • New keyboard shortcuts have been added allowing you to easily copy the top TM suggestion for the selected string in the translation area.

  • Leading/trailing spaces can now easily be identified at:

    1. the left part of the editor that contains the source and the translation strings.

    2. the Suggestions tab in the editor

    3. the History tab in the editor

    4. the Glossary tab in the editor (source and translation terms)

  • New languages were added to our list: Mizo (lus), Garo (grt), Khasi (kha).

  • A new filter option is available in Transifex Web Editor that allows you to find strings that do not contain a specific tag.

  • XLIFF-related resource actions (Download for translation as XLIFF, Download untranslated strings as XLIFF, Upload XLIFF file) are only available to non-XLIFF resources.

  • Return a meaningful error message when a file fails to be uploaded via API


  • Fixed the behavior of the source_update_from API filter.

  • Fixed YML parser's behavior when pluralized entries with literal style were compiled.

  • Fixed the escape functionality of the XLIFF parser to only escape tags that are not allowed in XLIFF.

  • Fixed the onlytranslated mode for PO translation files. From now on, the response will include translated, reviewed and proofread translations. Any untranslated entries won't be part of the generated files.

  • Fixed the onlytranslated and onlyreviewed modes for Apple strings translation files. From now on, the onlytranslated mode will return both translated and reviewed translations and the untranslated entries will be returned empty. As far as the onlyreviewed mode, the response will include the reviewed translations and any untranslated/translated strings will be returned empty.

June 2018

Team Managers can now access translation reports for the teams they oversee. This is helpful when working with an LSP and they need report data in order to invoice you for work that's been done.

May 2018

  • To make Transifex's CLI tool more secure and better compatible with CI tools, we've added support for environment variables and a --no-interactive mode for the tx pull command. Learn about v0.13.3.

  • You can now generate multiple API tokens and use unique tokens for different services

  • In the Editor, you can now search for strings by Developer Notes and Instructions.

  • The Tags filter in the Editor now displays the list of tags you have and you can search by multiple tags. Additionally, the Issues filter has been updated so you can filter by Issue status (Open, Resolved, or None).

  • Next to each TM suggestion in the Editor, you'll now find more details about where it came from, including the original translator, project, resource, and translation date.

  • Bug fix: The API now returns a 429 error code instead of a 503 when you exceed your API rate limits.

April 2018

  • Our CLI tool now supports parallel requests so you can push/pull files more quickly. Learn about v0.13.2.

  • The Editor has a new search filter to help you find strings more easily. You'll find new filters such as "Translation text doesn't contain" as well as support for exact and whole word match searches

  • There's a new report which shows you the number of translated, edited, and reviewed words per month per language. You can get this report from the Download CSV dropdown on the Reports page.

  • Transifex now supports generic YAML files which have no root element denoting the file’s language code. We've also released a new parser for Rails i18n compatible YAML files. Learn about the new YAML parsers.

  • String instructions and developer notes are now easier to see - they appear between the source string and the translation box. Learn more about it here.

March 2018

Spring is almost here. To help you clean your Translation Memory, we've added an option to “Overwrite existing TM” to the TMX import modal. Learn how you can clean up your TM.

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