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Zapier - Jira
Nina Eleftheriadou avatar
Written by Nina Eleftheriadou
Updated over a year ago

šŸ“Note: This integration is available on the Growth plan and up.

The Transifex app in Zapier supports the following triggers and actions:

  • Triggers:

    • Localization Activity Completed (when a resource language is 100% translated/reviewed/filled up by TM or MT or 100% translated content is updated).

    • Task for a set of strings (a task for a set of grouped strings is created or translated).

  • Actions:

    • Add a comment to an existing Jira ticket.

    • Add a watcher to an existing Jira ticket.

    • Create a new Jira ticket.

    • Update an existing Jira ticket.

    • Find an existing Jira ticket.

With these, you can set up different workflows (Zaps). For example:

  • Create a new Jira ticket for a set of strings stored at Transifex.

  • Update the status of a Jira ticket when a set of strings is translated.

Below, weā€™ll guide you through setting up the Jira & Transifex Zaps, sharing some configuration examples. However, the beauty of Zapier is that itā€™s flexible. You can use the supported triggers and actions to create similar Zaps connected to Jira or other services (e.g., Asana) and customize them according to your service workflow configuration.

Zapier Configuration

Creating a new Jira ticket for a set of strings stored at Transifex

Trigger: Task for a set of strings in Transifex

  • Create a new Zap.

  • Find and select the Transifex app (latest) to create the new trigger.

  • Select the Trigger event ("Task for a set of strings")

  • Set up the Transifex account. You need to add the Transifex token for the Transifex user you want to use. Once you place the TX token, press the "Yes, Continue" button.

  • After you connect your TX account, you can select the organization and the project to which you want to connect your Zap (a list of organizations and projects you can access will be available for selection).

  • Select the proper trigger event. To Create a Jira task event, you must select the event "Triggers whenever a set of strings is selected for a task."

  • Finally, after the trigger is set up, you can test it out. If everything is successfully configured, you will get a success message. Along with the success message, you will also get the list of the output parameters of this trigger. Those parameters can be used in the following steps while creating actions in the Zap.

The Trigger will look like this:


Action: Create an issue in Jira Software Cloud

  • To create a new Jira ticket, select the Jira Software Cloud app from the list.

  • In the Action Event field, select "Create Issue".

  • Connect your Jira account.

  • In the setup action step, select the Jira project where you want to create new tickets along with their type. Depending on the Jira board you select, the types and fields may change (this depends on your configuration in Jira)

  • Provide information about the fields you want filled in (all the fields are retrieved from your Jira account). What is most important here is that to create a unique Jira ticket for a set of strings, you need to add the unique tag name to the Summary field of the ticket ("Tag received From Transifex"). In this field, you can also use a mixture of free text and variables/placeholders that will get their values from TX when the webhook is triggered. There will be cases where you may have selected a board where the type of ticket you want to create contains custom fields. There are two possible scenarios in this case:

    • Zapier supports the field type. In this case, if the field is required, add a value to proceed.

    • Zapier doesnā€™t support the field type.

      • You can leave the field blank and continue the process if the field is not required.

      • If the field is required, we recommend contacting Zapierā€™s support team.

  • Once you are done, you are ready to test your zap. If everything is set up correctly, you will get a success message, and a new Jira ticket will be created in your board with the output sample values in place of the variables' placeholders.

The Action will look like this:


Updating the status of a Jira ticket when a set of strings is translated

To update the status of an existing Jira ticket, create one trigger and two Jira Software Cloud actions. One action is to find the right ticket, and the second is to update it. In both cases, you will need to connect your Jira account.

Trigger: Task for a set of strings in Transifex

  • Create a new Zap.

  • Find and select the Transifex app (latest) to create the new trigger.

  • Select the Trigger event ("Task for a set of strings")

  • Set up the Transifex account. You need to add the Transifex token for the TX user you want to use. Once you place the TX token, press the "Yes, Continue" button.

  • After you connect your TX account, you can select the organization and the project to which you want to connect your zap (a list of organizations and projects you can access will be available for selection).

  • Select the proper trigger event. To Update the status of a Jira task, you need to select the event "Triggers when the strings of a task are 100% translated".

  • Finally, after the trigger is set up, you can test it out. If everything is successfully configured, you will get a success message. Along with the success message, you will also get the list of the output parameters of this trigger. Those parameters can be used in the following steps while creating actions in the zap.


Action 1: Find an issue in Jira Software Cloud

  • Select the Jira Software Cloud app from the list.

  • In the Action Event field, select the Find Issue option.

  • Connect your Jira account.

  • Fill in the Summary field with the unique tag name enclosed in double quotes (("Tag received From Transifex")) to find the correct ticket. In this field, you can also use a mixture of free text and variable placeholders to get their values from the Trigger.

    ā€‹ You may notice two things:

    • The text should look like the text used in the action when creating the ticket. It must be the same.

    • Place the text in double quotes to match the whole text and not each word individually. The find Action looks at all the Jira boards connected to the specific Jira account. So, you need to be very precise with the text given in the summary field. A unique tag name is required.

  • Once you are done, you are ready to test your zap. If everything is set up correctly, you will get a success message, and a ticket (from the actual board) will be shown.

The Action will look like this:


Action 2: Update an issue in Jira Software Cloud

  • Select the Jira Software Cloud app from the list.

  • In the Action Event field, select the Update Issue option.

  • Connect your Jira account.

  • In the Issue field, select the value of the Key found from the previous find action (this information will be available in the results your zap returned during testing)

  • Select the status your ticket should be updated to

  • Once you are done, you are ready to test your Zap.

Transifex Web Editor

Opening a Jira ticket

  • From the editor, select the strings you want to create a task for

  • From the right-hand side menu for bulk actions, scroll down to the ā€˜Create taskā€™ button.


  • By clicking the button, a notification will appear stating that the task has been created in Jira.


  • Automatically, the selected strings will be tagged with the task tag.

  • A Jira ticket for the selected strings will be available in the corresponding Jira board (this is configured in Zapier). Please remember when creating a Jira ticket via Zapier to add the unique tag name to the Summary field of the ticket ("Tag received From Transifex"). Once the ticket is created, it will contain the auto-generated Task tag in the summary. While configuring your Zap, you can also include a Transifex link in your Jira ticket so it will be easy to locate the strings in the editor.


  1. This action creates a Jira ticket for a specific target language (the one selected before entering the editor). The process needs to be repeated for any other target language.

  2. Admins, Project Maintainers, and Team Managers have permission to create tasks via Editor.

  3. If you create a task for a set of strings and want to add one more string to the same task after its creation, you can copy the tag to the desired string, and the string will automatically be considered part of the same task.

Closing a Jira Ticket

  • From the editor, filter by tag so that you can get the strings that are associated with a Jira ticket

  • Translate them into the corresponding target language.


  • The status of the Jira ticket will automatically be updated based on the configuration of your Zap.

Additional Information


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