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Creating tasks

Create tasks to collaborate with translators and ensure that you meet your deadlines.

Antonis Mylonas avatar
Written by Antonis Mylonas
Updated over 3 months ago

๐Ÿ“ Note: Task management is only available on the Growth plan and up.

Creating a task

When it comes to collaborating with translators and linguists, maintaining an efficient process is crucial. Tasks play an essential role in organizational success, ensuring streamlined work management and the timely achievement of deadlines.

Administrators and Project Maintainers have the ability to create tasks and assign translation, review, or proofreading jobs to their translation team.

To begin the task creation process, open your resource in the editor and select the strings you wish to include in the task. This will prompt the Bulk Actions menu to appear; then, click on the 'Create Task' button within it.

The task wizard will open, allowing you to define the task's parameters through a simple 3-step process:

Step #1: Defining task parameters

Task type: Select the final status your strings will reach. Keep in mind that strings already in this status will be automatically excluded from the task.

Translate with: Choose whether you want to utilize Transifex AI for translation or assign the task to your team.

Task Name: Provide a name for your task.

Priority: Set task priority. By default, priority is set to normal.

Description: Share info or links related to the task with the collaborators.

Due dates: Set translation and review due dates for the task or per subtask type.

Selected resources: In this list, you can review the resources from which strings have been selected.

Once done, click on 'Next' to move on to the next step.

๐Ÿ“ Note about Task Name:
When you create a new task, the Task Name field will automatically be pre-filled with the name of the most recent task you have access to. This feature is designed to save time and help maintain consistency, especially for tasks with similar themes or naming conventions.

If the pre-filled name doesnโ€™t meet your needs, you can easily modify it before saving the task.

Step #2: Selecting Languages and Creating task

In this step, you can select the target languages for translating your content. The word count for each language is provided, and the total word count is dynamically updated as you make your language selections.

As previously mentioned, if the chosen strings have already reached their final status, they will not be included in the task.

For example, when creating a Review task, strings that have already been reviewed will be automatically omitted from the task. The task will only include untranslated and translated strings. In such cases, the task's word count will apply to the untranslated and translated words.

Likewise, with a Proofread task, the task will include untranslated, translated, and reviewed strings. Any strings that have already been proofread and have reached their final status will be automatically excluded from the task.

Step #3: Defining Assignees

When it comes to assigning tasks, you have two choices: you can either automatically assign them to everyone in the team associated with the project or you can skip this step and assign individual collaborators later on.

Once done, click on the Create Task button to create the task. To access your task, you can follow the provided link as shown below. To create more tasks, close the window and repeat the same process.

Upon task creation, individual subtasks will be generated for each language and corresponding translation service (e.g., French translation, French review, Spanish translation, Spanish review).


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