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XCode Strings Catalogs (XCSTRINGS)
XCode Strings Catalogs (XCSTRINGS)

Efficiently localize your iOS and macOS apps using XCode Strings Catalogs file format

Nina Eleftheriadou avatar
Written by Nina Eleftheriadou
Updated over a month ago

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With the introduction of the String Catalogs in Xcode 15, developers can specify device variation and substitution rules using a user-friendly UI. Those rules can be extracted in .xcstrings format and uploaded to Transifex.

Simple device rule

The developer decides to have a label on their app showing the current device type. For that, it creates a new string in the String Catalog, with the key ‘device’ and varies the values by devices like so:

A sample file that corresponds to the device variations listed above is the following:

"sourceLanguage" : "en",
"strings" : {
"deviceForEveryMac" : {
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"variations" : {
"device" : {
"applevision" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "This is Apple Vision"
"applewatch" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "This is an Apple Watch"
"iphone" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "This is an iPhone"
"mac" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "This is a Mac"
"other" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "This is a device"


Similar to the above example, the developer can create a string in the String Catalog that features two (or more) different tokens, and based on the number that is passed during rendering for each token, it can display a different pluralization rule:

Similarly, a sample file for the substitutions above is the following:

"sourceLanguage" : "en",
"strings" : {
"substitutions" : {
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Found %#@arg1@ having %#@arg2@"
"substitutions" : {
"arg1" : {
"argNum" : 1,
"formatSpecifier" : "ld",
"variations" : {
"plural" : {
"one" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "%arg user"
"other" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "%arg users"
"arg2" : {
"argNum" : 2,
"formatSpecifier" : "ld",
"variations" : {
"plural" : {
"one" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "%arg device"
"other" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "%arg devices"

More complex rules

The developer can construct more complex rules inside the String Catalog: A string can feature substitutions on top of device variations or device variations on plural rules.

In this case, the sample file looks like this:

"sourceLanguage" : "en",
"strings" : {
"substitutions_and_device" : {
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"substitutions" : {
"folder_iphone" : {
"argNum" : 2,
"formatSpecifier" : "ld",
"variations" : {
"plural" : {
"one" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "%arg folder"
"other" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "%arg folders"
"folder_mac" : {
"argNum" : 2,
"formatSpecifier" : "ld",
"variations" : {
"plural" : {
"one" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "%arg folder"
"other" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "%arg folders"
"user_iphone" : {
"argNum" : 1,
"formatSpecifier" : "ld",
"variations" : {
"plural" : {
"one" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "%arg user"
"other" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "%arg users"
"user_mac" : {
"argNum" : 1,
"formatSpecifier" : "ld",
"variations" : {
"plural" : {
"one" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "%arg user"
"other" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "%arg users"
"variations" : {
"device" : {
"iphone" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "This iPhone contains %#@user_iphone@ with %#@folder_iphone@ "
"mac" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "This Mac contains %#@user_mac@ with %#@folder_mac@ "

📝 Note: For languages with only one plural rule (e.g., Chinese - zh_CN or Japanese - ja), the pluralized entries in the resource or translation file downloaded from Transifex will be returned as non-pluralized.

Online source editing and source update via file upload

You can edit .xcstrings files directly in the Transifex Source Editor. When you upload a new version of this file (whether newer or older), the outcome is the following:

  • The source string and its translation in Transifex are updated based on the localization content found in the uploaded file, regardless of whether the source string matches the latest version in Transifex.

Mismatches between languages in the file and the project

In Transifex, each project is associated with a specific set of target languages for translation. If there are any discrepancies between the languages included in the uploaded file and those defined for the project, Transifex will attempt to manage this situation as gracefully as possible.

Here are a few possible scenarios to keep in mind:

  • File Languages Not in Project: If the file you upload includes languages that are not part of the project, Transifex will ignore those languages. Translations from these columns will not be added to Transifex nor appear in the Editor. To include translations for these languages in Transifex, first add the languages to the project and then re-upload the file. Any content not added to Transifex will remain unchanged in the file when downloaded.

  • Project Languages Not in File: If the project includes languages that are not present in the uploaded file, the upload will proceed without issues. After the upload, no translations will be present for these languages in Transifex. You can translate these languages using Transifex's Web Editor. When you download the file, the additional languages will be added to the translation file.

Removing source strings

To remove a source string from Transifex, you need to remove the entire block (key) corresponding to that string from the new version of your source file. The following example shows how Transifex responds based on the content of your source file.

Let's say that you create a new resource in Transifex and upload the following source file:

"sourceLanguage" : "en",
"strings" : {
"I find your lack of faith disturbing." : {
"extractionState" : "stale",
"localizations" : {
"el" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Βρίσκω ενοχλητική την έλλειψη πίστης σας."
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "I find your lack of faith disturbing."
"I beg your pardon." : {
"extractionState" : "stale",
"localizations" : {
"el" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Σας παρακαλώ."
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "I beg your pardon."
"version" : "1.0"

Next, you create a newer version of that file where you specifically remove the value 'I find your lack of faith disturbing.' from the string you intend to delete.

"sourceLanguage" : "en",
"strings" : {
"I find your lack of faith disturbing." : {
"extractionState" : "stale",
"localizations" : {
"el" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Βρίσκω ενοχλητική την έλλειψη πίστης σας."
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "" // Remove the source value for the string
"I beg your pardon." : {
"extractionState" : "stale",
"localizations" : {
"el" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Σας παρακαλώ."
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "I beg your pardon."
"version" : "1.0"

If you attempt to upload the file to Transifex, the system will generate an error message:

 Empty strings in source language are not allowed for entry: 'I find your lack of faith disturbing.'

To successfully remove the desired source string, update your source file by deleting the entire block that includes the string you wish to remove. Make sure that the corresponding key for that string is no longer present in the JSON structure, as illustrated below:

"sourceLanguage" : "en",
"strings" : {
"I beg your pardon." : {
"extractionState" : "stale",
"localizations" : {
"el" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Σας παρακαλώ."
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "I beg your pardon."
"version" : "1.0"

📝 Note:

  • If you attempt to create a new resource instead of updating an existing one, the system will behave the same, returning the relevant error message.

  • Source updates to an existing resource occur only when you use the source update option.

    • If you choose a specific target language for a file upload where the value of a previously uploaded source string is missing but translations are present, the system will parse the translations without issue. The file will be successfully uploaded to Transifex without applying any changes to your source content.

If you remove the block that contains both source and target language(s) but leave the key intact (as shown in the file sample below), the source string itself will not be deleted from Transifex; only its translations will be removed.

"sourceLanguage" : "en",
"strings" : {
"I beg your pardon." : {}
"version" : "1.0"

Uploading and downloading options

Uploading Files:

  • Update source file: When you use Transifex's Update Source File function, all strings in the uploaded file, including source strings and their translations in all languages, will be extracted and updated.

  • Upload File: When you select a target language to upload a file, all strings from every target language included in the file will be uploaded to Transifex, regardless of the specific language you initially selected.

  • Add resources: The system will behave the same way as above. When you use the Add resources function, strings from all target languages, including source, will be uploaded to Transifex.

Downloading Files:

  • When you download a file, it will include all available translations from all languages in your project.

  • You can select your preferred download mode (as described in the "Download Modes" section) to extract translations based on the status you are interested in across all languages.

Download all translations (ZIP) – 100% Translated, Reviewed, and Proofread

When a project is not fully translated into its target languages, selecting the option to download ‘All Translations (ZIP) with 100% (translated/reviewed/proofread)’ will generate a single file. In this file, untranslated strings will be returned in the source language, while translations that have already been submitted, reviewed, or proofread will be preserved.

Download modes

The following table summarizes the behavior of XCSTRINGS files for different download modes:

Plural forms handling when downloading XCStrings files

Transifex ensures that plural forms in XCStrings files follow a consistent order when downloaded, provided that the languages in the file match those in the Transifex project.

Plural forms order

Transifex follows a predefined order for plural forms during compilation:

  1. zero

  2. one

  3. two

  4. few

  5. many

  6. other

This order applies based on the available plural forms for each language.

How does this affect pluralized strings?

If a user uploads a pluralized string with a custom order, such as:

  • one, other, many

The downloaded translation file will be reordered to:

  • one, many, other

For example, if this file is uploaded to Transifex:

"sourceLanguage" : "en",
"strings" : {
"substitutions_and_device" : {
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"substitutions" : {
"folder_iphone" : {
"variations" : {
"plural" : {
"one" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"value" : "%arg folder"
"other" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"value" : "%arg folders"
"many" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"value" : "%arg many folders"

After Transifex processes and reorders the plural forms according to their predefined order, the downloaded file will be:

"sourceLanguage" : "en",
"strings" : {
"substitutions_and_device" : {
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"substitutions" : {
"folder_iphone" : {
"variations" : {
"plural" : {
"one" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"value" : "%arg folder"
"many" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"value" : "%arg many folders"
"other" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"value" : "%arg folders"

Exception for unsupported languages

If a file contains languages not handled by Transifex, their plural form order will remain unchanged. Transifex only modifies and standardizes plural forms for languages explicitly managed within the Transifex project.

This ensures that pluralized translations remain consistent while maintaining flexibility for unsupported languages. If you have any questions or encounter unexpected behavior, feel free to contact our support team.

Language order preservation in XCStrings files when downloading translations

Transifex ensures that the original order of languages in XCStrings files is always preserved when downloading translated files. Any additional languages added via Transifex that are not in the original file will be placed at the bottom and sorted alphabetically.

How it works:

  • Transifex maintains the original language order from the source XCStrings file when pulling translations.

  • If a language exists in the Transifex project but was not in the original file, it will be added at the bottom in alphabetical order.

  • If the order of languages in the XCStrings source file changes, the downloaded file will reflect that updated order.

Example cases for XCStrings files

Case 1: Original οrder is maintained

Scenario: A source XCStrings file contains languages in this order:

  1. en (source)

  2. el

  3. fr

  4. de

Setup: The Transifex project contains the same languages as the source file.

Pull translations - Result:

The downloaded XCStrings file keeps the exact same order:

"sourceLanguage": "en",
"strings": {
"deviceForEveryMac": {
"localizations": {
"en": {},
"el": {},
"fr": {},
"de": {}

Case 2: A Language is missing in Transifex

Scenario: A source XCStrings file contains:

  1. en (source)

  2. el

  3. fr

  4. de

Setup: The Transifex project contains en (source), el, and fr, but de is missing.

Pull Translations - Result:

The downloaded file keeps the same order, without de:

"sourceLanguage": "en",
"strings": {
"deviceForEveryMac": {
"localizations": {
"en": {},
"el": {},
"fr": {}

If de is later added in Transifex, it will be placed at the bottom (no change needed, as it was already at the bottom in the original file).

Case 3: An additional language exists in Transifex

Scenario: A source XCStrings file contains:

  1. en (source)

  2. el

  3. fr

  4. de

Setup: The Transifex project does not contain de but has an extra language ar.

Pull Translations - Result:

The downloaded file maintains the original order and adds new languages at the bottom:

"sourceLanguage": "en",
"strings": {
"deviceForEveryMac": {
"localizations": {
"en": {},
"el": {},
"fr": {},
"de": {},
"ar": {}

Case 4: The language order changes in the source XCStrings File

Scenario: The original source XCStrings file contains:

  1. en (source)

  2. el

  3. fr

  4. de

The source file is later updated, changing the order to:

  1. en (source)

  2. el

  3. de

  4. fr

Setup: This applies to any of the previous cases.

Pull Translations - Result:

The downloaded file reflects the updated order:

"sourceLanguage": "en",
"strings": {
"deviceForEveryMac": {
"localizations": {
"en": {},
"el": {},
"de": {},
"fr": {}


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