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Managing Translation Memory

Manage your translation memory entries across different projects through a single page

Jacob Doulkeridis avatar
Written by Jacob Doulkeridis
Updated over 4 months ago

Searching for Translation Memory Entries

๐Ÿ“ Note: TM Strings feature is available on the Growth plan and up.

To access the TM Strings tab, click on Strings in the left-hand menu and then clickย TM Strings.

Alternatively, navigate to your project's Settings page > General > Manage Translation Memory, and you will be directed to the same page with the specific project preselected in the Project filter.


You have two options to search for TM entries: type your source text in the search box and click the Search button, or utilize the various filters to refine your search results.

Here's a list of the available filters and what each one of them does:

  • TM Group: This allows you to filter for TM entries only found in one or multiple TM groups.

  • Project: This allows you to filter for TM entries only found in one or multiple Projects.

  • Target Language: This allows you to filter for TM entries only found in one or multiple Languages.

  • Source Text: This allows you to search for TM entries based on their source text. This is the default option when typing in the search field and triggering a search.

  • Translated By: This allows you to search for TM entries based on the translator that provided them.

  • Last Updated: Search for TM entries that were last updated before or after a specific date or between a certain period of time.

  • Added:

    • Added By: Search for TM entries added by one or more translators.

    • Added Via: Search for TM entries added via a specific action (Translation, Review, or TMX file upload).

    • Added After: Search for TM entries that were added after a specific date.

    • Added Before: Search for TM entries that were added before a specific date.

If a TM entry is pluralized, all plural forms are grouped together. You can expand this entry using the arrow button on the right-hand side and see translations in all plural forms for a specific target language.

Sorting Translation Memory suggestions

On the TM strings page, there are two available options for sorting your results:

  • Sort by: Relevance

    This option sorts translation memory entries based on their relevance to the source text. That way, you can focus on the entries that closely match your source text, helping you find the most relevant entries quickly.

  • Sort by: Last Updated

    This option sorts the translation memory entries based on their last update timestamp. Entries recently modified will appear at the top, making it easier to identify and review the most recent changes to your translation memory suggestions.

Viewing a Translation Memory entry's details

To find more information about a specific TM entry, click on the "View TM entry details" icon, and additional information will be displayed on the right as follows:

๐Ÿ“ Note: In the info panel, "Translated by", "Added after", "Added before", and "Added via" refer to the very first instance (i.e., to the first time this translation text was introduced in Transifex).

Editing Translation Memory entries

You can easily locate the desired TM entries on the TM Strings page and directly change their translation text. To modify such an entry, use the following steps:

  1. Hover your mouse over the translation text of the entry you're interested in, and you'll see a pencil icon that you can use to make edits.

  2. After clicking on it, a Raw editor will be displayed, allowing you to make your edits. The Raw editor is similar to the one found in the Transifex Web Editor. Variables and HTML code are shown as plain text.

  3. Click the Save changes button to apply your edits, which will be instantly updated.

๐Ÿ“ Note: Remember to translate all available forms to ensure accurate record updates when dealing with pluralized TM suggestions.

After submitting your changes, the Translation Memory entry's details will be updated, showing information about the user who made the edits.

๐Ÿ“ Things to note when a Translation Memory entry is updated:

  • Suggestions in the editor are automatically updated, reflecting the most recent version of the translation for translators.

  • The previous version of the suggestions in the Translation Memory will no longer be available.

  • Translations made based on the previous version will remain unaffected.

  • If a user modifies a TM entry and creates an identical one that already exists in the same project's TM, an error message will be displayed to indicate this, and the changes will not be saved.

  • If a user is editing an entry and another user edits/deletes it before the first user saves the changes, an error indicating this will appear within the modal window.

Deleting Translation Memory entries

You can remove a specific TM entry through the TM Strings page, select multiple entries, and delete them all simultaneously.

Deleting a single TM entry

  • Find the TM entry you want to remove from your TM instance and use the delete icon to delete it:

  • Click on the "View TM entry details" icon of the TM entry you are interested in, check the information included there, and then decide if you want to delete it or not using the delete button at the bottom.


Delete multiple TM entries at once

Select the desired TM entries you would like to remove from your TM instance and click the delete button:


A confirmation dialog will show up asking for confirmation before proceeding:


Who has access to the TM Strings tab?

Administrator Users

  • Admin rights grant permission to access the TM strings tab.

  • Ability to search TM entries across all projects in the organization.

  • Delete TM entries across all projects in the organization.

Project Maintainers

  • Maintainer rights allow access to the TM strings tab.

  • Ability to search TM entries across:

    • All projects they maintain and

    • Those projects that belong to the same TM group or TM priorities as the projects they maintain.

  • Delete TM entries only within the projects they maintain.

Team Managers/Language Coordinators/Reviewers/Translators

  • Users with these roles in the organization can access the TM strings tab.

  • They can search TM entries across:

    • All projects they have access to and

    • Those projects that belong to the same TM group or TM priorities as the projects they have access to.


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