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Uploading a Glossary

Upload a glossary to Transifex through a CSV file.

Nina Eleftheriadou avatar
Written by Nina Eleftheriadou
Updated over a week ago

If you already have a glossary, you can import it to Transifex by uploading a CSV file with the terms. Your file can be used to create a new Glossary or update an existing one.

Formatting your CSV file

To ensure data from your glossary will be correctly mapped to Transifex, you'll need to structure your CSV file in a specific way. Here's an example of a file that can be successfully imported:









The process of translating text from one language into another




Below, you can find a CSV sample with all the attributes supported.

The first row of your CSV file should have all the headers (term, pos, notes,is_case_sensitive, translation_language code, notes_language_code). It is not mandatory to fill in the "pos", "notes" and "is_case_sensitive" columns. You can only fill in the "term" and the corresponding "translation language code" column, where translated terms will be placed.

Here's what the columns and column headers mean:

  • Term – The word or phrase you're adding to the glossary. The term should be in the same language as the source language of the project(s) you'll use in the glossary.

  • POS – Part of speech. The accepted values are Noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. This column is not mandatory to fill in.

  • Notes – Any notes you want to add about the source term. This column is not mandatory to fill in.

  • is_case_sensitive – Define if the specific term is case-sensitive or not. Values like true, TRUE, yes, y, and YES are accepted. This column is not mandatory to be filled in. If the column is omitted, then the term is not case-sensitive.

  • translation_el – The translation for the term in the first column. Everything in this column should be in the same language. The header is simply the word "translation_" followed by the language code of the language that the translation is in. So, if you have French (“fr”) as a target language in your project(s), you should put “translation_fr” in the header. Similarly, if your target language in the project(s) is French (France) (fr_FR), then the header should read “translation_fr_FR”.

  • notes_el – Any notes you want to add for the specific target language. Similarly, be careful with the language code - it should be the same as your target language.

💡Tip: If you want to include several versions of a term, you can use the double pipe symbol (||) to separate each entry.

Add more columns with the language code as the header to include translations for additional languages. To add multiple variants of the term or its translations, you can use the double pipe (||) to separate entries.

Terms with a comma (e.g., "Transifex Live, a Transifex solution") are fine if the glossary is created/updated using Google Spreadsheets.

Once imported, the term will look like this inside Transifex:

📝Note: Only words that match a glossary term will be highlighted inside the Editor. For example, if your source string was the word "Translation" and the glossary term was "Translation," the source string would be highlighted in the editor. However, if the glossary term is "Translations" (plural), the source string would not be highlighted because it doesn't match the glossary term.

Correct encoding for CSV files

Sometimes, it's helpful to use a spreadsheet to create and format a Glossary and then save it as a CSV file. You should make sure that the exported file is encoded in UTF-8. Recent versions of Excel support exporting CSVs in UTF-8, but it's hard to ensure they did it correctly. You can use an editor like Atom or Sublime, open the file with the correct encoding, and check if the characters look OK.

To be sure, we recommend using Google Spreadsheets, which handles the exporting perfectly.

If you already have an Excel file, you can upload/open it with Google Spreadsheets and export it into a properly-encoded CSV.

This solution also fixes the case where your upload fails with the following message: "new-line character seen in unquoted field - do you need to open the file in universal-newline mode".

Duplicate terms in your CSV file

You'll receive an error message if a term appears twice in your CSV file with the same part of speech (POS). You'll need to resolve the issue by addressing the duplicated term and re-uploading the file. Use translation variants to provide different translation versions of the same term.

Uploading your CSV file

Once you've formatted your CSV file, upload it to Transifex to create a new glossary:

  1. Head to your Glossaries from the main navigation.

  2. Click the Add glossary button near the top right.

  3. In the popup, give your glossary a name and select the source language of the glossary terms. Again, be careful choosing the right source language: it should be consistent with your project's existing source language. If you have English (United States) as your source language, make sure to choose English (United States) here as well (and not generic English, for example).

  4. Choose from your computer the file you want to upload.

  5. Hit Save to add the glossary to Transifex.

After creating the glossary, you must associate a project with it.

Checklist for successful upload

Kindly check the following things are done correctly to upload the glossary successfully:

  1. The encoding is correct: it should be UTF-8 (Read more about the encoding here)

  2. If there are duplicate terms, they are distinguished as unique entries. (Read more here)

  3. All necessary columns (term, POS, notes, etc.) are present (as described here).

  4. Source and target language codes match your project's source and target languages.

  5. When uploading the glossary, the correct source language code is chosen - the same as your project.

  6. There is no need to upload the same glossary for multiple languages - you can add columns for any other target languages in your CSV file.

  7. The glossary is associated with the project(s).

Updating an existing glossary

Glossaries in Transifex can also be updated via a CSV file.

To update an existing glossary:

  1. Head to your Glossaries from the main navigation.

  2. In the list of glossaries, you can find the one you'd like to update and click the Dots icon and then Edit glossary.

  3. Choose from your computer the glossary file you want to upload.

  4. Check the box next to Overwrite existing entries if you want to update any existing glossary terms in Transifex and add new terms from your CSV file.

  5. Hit Save to add to update the glossary.

📝Note: If a field contains a comma or a double quote, the field must be enclosed in double quotes. Double quotes in a field must be doubled to distinguish them from the field's beginning and end markers


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