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Ordering Translations

A general guide for ordering translations through Transifex.

Panagiotis Kavrakis avatar
Written by Panagiotis Kavrakis
Updated over 2 months ago

If you need translations but are not working with any translation vendors or community translators, you can order translations from one of the following translation partners.

  • e2f – e2f is a professional translation agency. They work inside Transifex, leveraging all available tools, such as Translation Memory and Comments.

  • Gengo – Gengo is a translation network powered by pre-screened native speakers. Their translators work outside of Transifex.

  • TextMaster – TextMaster is a translation network powered by pre-screened native speakers. Their translators work outside of Transifex.

  • SimulTrans – If you are interested in working with SimulTrans directly, you can contact our CS team, and we will facilitate the connection.

Placing a translation order

📝 Note: To order translations using our translation partners, you should be an administrator user, and a credit card should be provided, which is charged when placing an order.

According to the second Payment Services Directive (PSD2), the new regulation in the EU, online payments go through an additional layer of authentication by payment providers through “Strong Customer Authentication” (SCA).

Please note that it's up to your bank to decide whether authentication is needed for a transaction. Specifically, your bank will receive the request, assess the transaction's risk level, and ultimately decide whether authentication is necessary.

To place a translation order:

  1. From the project navigation in the Dashboard, select the project for which you want to order translations.

  2. Click the Order button in the header. You can also initiate an order from any Order button found throughout other parts of Transifex.

  3. In the popup, select a translation vendor.

  4. Set details such as translation quality, tone, and content type, then add any instructions you want the translators to see.

  5. Select which resources you would like to include in your order. Only untranslated strings are sent for translation. You can also add resources from other projects to your order.

  6. Choose the languages you want translations for. Here, you'll see from the selected resources how many untranslated words there are in each language. Your project's language codes (source & target languages) must match the ones that each vendor supports.

  7. Review your order. If everything looks good, click Order.

You'll receive an email confirmation after placing your order. Turnaround times will vary from vendor to vendor.

Tracking your translation orders

Once you've placed an order, you can track its progress on the Orders page, accessible from the main navigation. On this page, you can also see order details such as price, words, and languages. You can also filter orders by their status.


Comments from Translators

Translators may sometimes have questions about the meaning of a phrase in your order. You'll receive an email notification with their comment or question. Follow the link inside the email to send a reply to the translator.

Ordering from e2f

e2f works inside Transifex. When you order translations from them, their translators are added to the team(s) associated with the projects you ordered translations for. These translators will only see the content that is part of your order. And when the translations are complete, they are automatically removed from your organization.

📝 Note: There is a minimum fee per language ($20 or $40, depending on the language) when ordering from e2f. Additionally, while e2f's translators can see and use Translation Memory suggestions as they work, TM leverage is not factored into the pricing. The price per word is the same regardless of whether it's a 0% match or a 95% match.

Also, when you have an ongoing E2F translation order, collaborators from the translation provider get added to your team for the duration of the order and then removed once the order is delivered. All these collaborators associated with an active order are not counted in the collaborators' capacity.

Supported languages per translation partner


With e2f orders, you can use the following source languages, though the available target languages will vary by source language:

  • English - en

  • English (Canada) - en_CA

  • English (United Kingdom) - en_GB

  • English (United States) - en_US

  • French - fr

  • French (France) - fr_FR

  • German - de

  • German (Germany) - de_DE

  • Japanese (Japan) (ja_JP)

  • Japanese (ja)

  • Chinese (zh)

  • Chinese (China) (zh_CN)

  • Chinese Simplified (zh-Hans)


Explore the complete list of language pairs available for translation when placing an order with Textmaster on this page.


Discover the full range of language pairs offered for translation when placing an order with Gengo on this page.

Canceling an order

Please contact us if you would like to cancel a translation order with a vendor. We'll work with them to cancel the order before any work begins.

📝 Note: Please note that requesting to cancel an order does not guarantee that the cancellation can be processed. This is because the cancellation needs to be performed by the vendor before the translators start working on the order. Some of our vendors work outside of Transifex, so there is no way to know if the translation work has started. Even if the order status is at 0%, it doesn't necessarily mean that the translators have not started working on the order.


Are instructions and developer notes sent from Transifex to Gengo and TextMaster?

Yes, both instructions and developer notes are sent to Gengo and TextMaster. However, you'll need to provide this information before submitting an order.

If there are issues with the translations from Gengo or TextMaster, what's the process to get them edited?

Before saving a translation from Gengo or TextMaster to Transifex, we run your configured translation checks. If there's an error, we automatically send this error to Gengo or TextMaster as a comment on the specific job. Their translators will then have the chance to fix and resubmit the translation.

If an order is already marked as delivered in Gengo or TextMaster, please contact us, and then we'll contact the corresponding vendor and ask them to make revisions. The revised translations will be delivered via email, and you'll have to update the revised translations manually.

If I make an order (Order 1) and then make another order (Order 2) before the first one is complete, will Transifex recognize that some strings are in the process of being translated (in Order 1) and not include them in Order 2?

Correct, Transifex will skip over the strings already included in Order 1 and not include them in Order 2, so you won’t be overcharged for the same strings.

Can I order translations through API?

No, but you can order translations within the Transifex UI.

Where can I see the pricing?

Translation order pricing depends on the number of words for translation and the translation vendor you choose to place an order with. You’ll see the pricing after completing steps 1- 6. You can review the order details at this final step and decide whether to proceed.

Can I make an order to translate from a non-English language?

Although it isn't displayed in the order wizard, many providers work with a source language other than English. Please contact the translation provider directly when you need a translation from Chinese, German, Korean, etc., into other target languages.

I've placed an order and updated my strings. Why am I still charged for so many words?

Please note that your credit card is charged when placing an order, i.e., for the number of untranslated words sent off for translation. Updating the source strings will not trigger a recalculation, as the order has already been placed. Our recommendation is not to edit the source strings after placing an order. Please ensure you have the strings finalized and ready for translation before placing an order.

Can I choose which strings to order for translation?

No. The system identifies and takes all untranslated strings available in your resource file. As of now, it's not possible to choose specific strings among all untranslated strings.

I can't find the language I am looking for in the order wizard.

When you want to order translations for a specific language pair (source, target) but cannot find the desired target language in the order wizard, this may happen due to the following reasons:

  • The target language is already 100% translated in the Transifex project. When you order translations using our order wizard, only the untranslated strings can be included in an order. As a result, languages that have already been translated are not listed there, and you won't be able to include them in your order.

    For example, let’s say you want to place a translation order from English to Italian, but Italian translations are 100% done; Italian as a target language won't be available for ordering in the wizard.

    Suppose you want to order translations for Italian anyway. In that case, you need to remove the Italian translations from the strings you would like to re-order translations for, and only then you will be able to proceed.

  • The vendor does not support the desired language pair. This case occurs when the selected vendor does not offer translations for the target language you selected.

    For example, when you want to translate a resource from English to Russian, the target language will only be available on the order wizard if your chosen vendor offers translation services from English to Russian. In this case, we recommend placing your order using a different vendor.

  • The target language is not included in the Transifex project. This happens when you want to translate a resource to a language not set as a target language for your project.

    For example, imagine you want to place an order to translate a resource in Portuguese, and you defined only French and German as target languages for your TX project. In this case, Portuguese won't be available as a target language on the order wizard under the “Existing languages” tab. You can solve this by switching to the “All available languages" tab on the same steps where all vendor pairs are listed.

  • The target language is part of another order which is currently in progress. This happens when you have already ordered the translations for the specific language pair. You cannot order the same translations simultaneously using different vendors or orders.

How can I request a new language pair to be added?

If the language pair you are looking for is unavailable on the order wizard, please get in touch with our support team. Once we get your request, we will contact the vendor you want to order translations for and ask them if they can support this language pair.


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