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Optimize your knowledge base with seamless multilingual localization for enhanced accessibility and user experience

Nina Eleftheriadou avatar
Written by Nina Eleftheriadou
Updated over a week ago is an online customer service software and support ticket help desk application for small businesses and fast-growing companies. You can turn your site into a multilingual knowledge base using Transifex.

Below, you'll find instructions for localizing your site.

📝Note: Before you begin, you must have a Transifex account and a project you will be associating with your site. If you have not already done so, sign up for Transifex here.

Getting the Transifex Live JavaScript Snippet

Before using Transifex Live, you must first install the Transifex Live JavaScript snippet on your site. To do this, please follow the instructions here.

Installing the Live snippet

To localize your site, you need to add the JavaScript snippet to the header of every page by adding it to the header of your theme:

  1. From your dashboard, select the Channels tab from the nav bar at the top of your screen.


  2. In the left sidebar, under the Support Center menu, select Web Themes and click the Gear icon on the right of your theme.

  3. Select the Customize Content tab under the Edit Web Theme window and scroll to the Page Header Content section.

  4. All you need to do now is copy and paste your Transifex Live JavaScript snippet into the Page Header Content field and click Update.


Now, you can begin saving and translating content!

Saving content, translating, and publishing

Now that Transifex Live is embedded in your page, you can use Transifex Live to save content to Transifex, translate in context, and publish translations on the fly.

Handing dynamic content

Dynamic content like dates, times, and counters (e.g., # of articles, # of comments, etc.) should not be translated. When approving phrases in Transifex Live, ignore these types of non-translatable dynamic content. If your platform lets you edit the theme, you can mark elements of your pages as non-translatable.

If you would like to learn how, please click here.


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