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Seeing Translation Memory Leverage

See Translation Memory leverage before translations start to estimate how much work needs to be done.

Nina Eleftheriadou avatar
Written by Nina Eleftheriadou
Updated over 6 months ago

๐Ÿ“ Note:

Before translations begin, seeing how many words have a Translation Memory match is often helpful. This gives you a better estimate of how much new translation work needs to be done and how much you can rely on the TM.

For example, a resource with mostly 95-99% TM matches is likely much more straightforward to translate than one with mostly 50-74% matches.

To see the TM leverage for a resource:

  1. Select the project navigation that has the resource you want to look at from the project navigation.

  2. Click Resources.

  3. Click on the resource you'd like to look at.

  4. Click the language you'd like to see the TM leverage for. In the popup, you'll see the breakdown of the TM leverage underneath the progress bar.

๐Ÿ“ Note: TM leverage stats are updated every 3 hours. When you click on a language popup window, it triggers the stats, and the TM leverage is calculated based on the available suggestions. If you open the language popup window again within 3 hours, the TM leverage wonโ€™t be forced to be updated. After 3 hours, the TM leverage will be updated appropriately, and the newly submitted translations will be considered.

๐Ÿ“ Note: Transifex can calculate TM leverage only for work that occurred while working in our editor. If a translator works on a file outside Transifex and later uploads it, TM leverage isn't calculated since we can't check whether it was used.

Generating a TM Leverage report

To generate the TM Leverage report, click on the link "Generate this report for all resources", as shown in the screenshot below, and you will be redirected to the Reports page where this report can be requested. More information can be found in the section "TM Leverage".


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