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Manage Translation Workflows

Manage your project's translation workflow and create the workflow best suited for your content type.

Nina Eleftheriadou avatar
Written by Nina Eleftheriadou
Updated over a week ago

šŸ“ Note: Only Organization Administrators and Project Maintainers can configure a project's translation workflow.

Different types of content require different translation workflows and translation quality. By default, projects in Transifex follow a two-step workflow: translate and review. You can modify this to create the best workflow for your project's needs.

Workflow configuration

To manage and configure a project's workflow:

  1. From the Dashboard, select the project you want to edit the workflow for, then click on Settings.

  2. Navigate to the Workflow tab. Here, you'll see workflow options grouped by stages of the localization process. The options available to you will vary depending on the plan you're on.

  3. Set up any pre-translation work on your project's content. Pre-translation tasks automatically run when you upload new resources or update existing ones. The two options available are Translation Memory(TM) Fill-up and AI & MT Fillup (both available on the Growth Plan and up). In case you enable both, TM will run before AI & MT.

  4. Set up translation to auto-update identical source-translation pairs or to not allow edits on submitted translations. Also, define whether suggestions from similar locales in translation memory will be shown in the editor.

  5. Enable the following option to automatically send AI translations with a TQI score at or above a specified threshold into your Translation Memory (TM). This ensures only high-quality AI translations are stored in your TM, improving the consistency and reusability of AI translations.

  6. Set up your review workflow and choose whether each string should be reviewed once or twice, depending on your translation quality requirements. (The second review, called Proofread, is available on the Growth plan).

When setting up your workflow, press the Save Changes button.

šŸ’”Tip: We recommend enabling the Translation Memory fill-up option in your workflow. This way, any 100% TM matches will be used as translations automatically, saving you on translation time and costs while ensuring better translation consistency.

For additional information, have a look at the resources below:


In this section, you will find all the details about the functionality and settings you can manage from the workflow page.

Localization workflow

The specific page is the place to define how your content will move during the localization. The page layout helps you understand which localization step comes first or before another. Explaining a bit more all the steps you can see:

  1. Upload content. It's the step where you introduce the content you want to be localized. You can do that by uploading your content for translation or approving new strings through the TX live sidebar.

  2. Pre-translation follows right after your content is uploaded, and it automatically checks and fills up newly added content with translations. The source of these translations can be from your Translation Memory (previous translations) or an automated translation using Machine Translation.

  3. Translation is the step in which the content gets translated by your collaborators. In this step, you can manage how your collaborators interact with the content you want to translate.

  4. Review refers to translated content and is the step where your collaborators - or you - check the translations and mark them as "reviewed". This means that the content passes the review step and is ready to be used.

  5. Ready for use is considered the content that has finished the localization process and can be consumed by your application or project.


Any options included in this step are performed automatically when your content is updated. Content updating happens either by adding new content or by updating any existing content. You can find more about Updating Content in our documentation.

All untranslated content is checked against the enabled options for a matching translation during this step. There are three options for pre-translation: Translation Memory Fill-up and AI and Machine Translation Fill-up.

šŸ“ Note: If both pre-translation options are enabled, they are executed sequentially, with Translation Memory Fill-up running first, and after checking all new content, the AI or Machine Translation Fill-up runs second on any remaining untranslated content.

Triggering Autofill Tasks

Autofill tasks will run whenever one of the following events occurs:

  • A new translation is added (by any method - through API, TX client, or manual file upload).

  • A new TMX file is uploaded.

  • A source file is updated.

  • The auto-fill setting is disabled and re-enabled.

TM Autofill won't run automatically in these two situations:

  • When you add new languages to your project.

  • When you enable "Fill up resources from TM" before uploading or updating a file.


In this step, you control how translations are managed. You can:

  • Auto-update identical translations: When enabled, editing one translation automatically updates all identical strings.

  • Edit Permissions: Decide if other translators can edit submitted translations.

  • TM Suggestions: Enable TM suggestions from similar locales.

Auto-update identical translations

šŸ“ Note: This feature is available on the Enterprise+ plan.

When you enable Auto-update identical translations, any edits to an existing translation will automatically apply to all other strings that share the exact source text and translation. Any translation edits made before enabling the setting will not trigger the workflow.

You can select a status to specify which strings will be updated. Strings with a status equal to or lower than the selected will be updated and have their status changed to Translated. Any strings above the threshold will remain unchanged.

With context matching enabled by default, only source-translation pairs sharing the same context will be updated.

Hereā€™s a scenario that illustrates how it works:

























If the Auto-update setting is set to Reviewed, and you edit string1 from ā€œholaā€ to ā€œSaludos,ā€ then:

  • string2Ā (Reviewed) andĀ string3Ā (Translated) share the same source, ā€œHello,ā€ and are at or below theĀ ReviewedĀ threshold. They will both be updated to ā€œSaludosā€ and their status set to Translated.

  • string2 and string3 will appear as updated by transifex-bot with the origin labeled transifex-automation.

If, instead, the setting were Translated and you edited string1 to ā€œSaludos,ā€ then string2 (which is Reviewed) would not be updated, because itā€™s above the Translated threshold. In that case, only string3 would update.

šŸ“ Note:

  • Auto-updated strings will have their status reset to "Translated."

  • Auto-update activities will be recorded in the stringā€™s history, with tx-bot listed as the performer of the action.

  • Strings tagged with smart tags will be excluded from the auto-update workflow.

  • When the setting is enabled, any translation update via API, CLI, Editor, or File upload will trigger the auto-update workflow.

  • Non-pluralized translation updates will only auto-update non-pluralized translations.

  • Pluralized translation updates will only auto-update pluralized translations.


Two options for reviewing are "review" active by default and "proofread", which is available for plans Growth and Enterprise Plus.

šŸ“ Note: When disabling the Proofread step, strings in the Proofread state will change to Reviewed. In case you want to re-enable the Proofread step, Transifex internally stores those strings so that you can restore them to their previous state if you with to. A choice to either keep them as Reviewed or reinstate them back to Proofread is offered.

Ready for use

This is the final state of a string, and it signifies that localization is complete. You can use this state to connect your workflow to Transifex. Here are some possible options:

  1. Using webhooks.

  2. Using the API to check statistics and download a resource.

  3. Downloading directly from the web interface.

  4. Downloading resources via the CLI Client.

Automatic AI and MT translation

šŸ“ Note:

  • Automatic AI and Machine Translation are available on the Growth plan and up as part of our Advanced Workflows feature.

  • Translations submitted by AI or MT are not automatically saved to your Translation Memory unless they are first marked as reviewed.

The AI & MT Fillup step in the pre-translation workflow is designed to enhance translation efficiency. When enabled, this feature allows you to choose between AI translation, Machine Translation (MT), or a hybrid of both for each language in your project.

To enable this feature, navigate to the Workflow tab in your project settings and activate the AI & MT Fillup option. By default, the AI Fillup is pre-selected. However, you have three options to choose from:

  • AI fillup: When new content is added or updated in your project, it will automatically be translated using Transifex AI. You can opt-out specific languages from this option by selecting "Exclude languages from AI Fillup", as shown below:

  • MT fillup: This option works similarly to AI Fillup but uses machine translation to handle new or updated content. If you choose to exclude a language from MT Fillup, content in that language will not be translated.

  • Hybrid: This setting combines both AI and MT translation methods. When enabled, it will automatically translate all new or updated content using the selected service. Disabling translation for a particular language is possible by setting that language to Off.


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